Saturday, September 7, 2013

Wallace Shawn reads his work

A favorite actor of mine (also a playwright whose work I'm not familiar with) reads from his book of nonfiction essays, 'Essays.'

I feel a bit strange about this weird, since it seems to come from a place that's rather elitist and upper crust, a background and worldview (which he claims to be 'recovering from' in my view) I do not share, nothing about his seeming way of speaking from a stereotypical New York City centrism or, in some cases, generic left-wingery, is anything I identify with. But it's Wallace Shawn, so here he is:

*God, I think I like him less after hearing him read his work, here. All the hypocrisies and feelings of superiority he's pointing out to criticize here are abominable ways of thinking and being I have never shared in the first place. To me, they do not paint modern northeastern-upper-class-social-moderate-liberal-elites (the people who used to be Rockefeller Republicans and now vote Democratic because the modern GOP opposes gay marriage and is just too gauche for the dinner table, don't you think, Mr. Twiddlefingers) in a favorable light to me.

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